Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Autumn festivities

Sumedru`s fire
 At Sumedru`s fire people eat cakes, drink hot wine and give children sweets, nuts and apples. They dance round the fire, tell funny jokes. Everybody feels very happy. Sumedru`s fire is celebrated in October.

11th  November: Lanternen Fest (Saint Martin)
The story of Saint Martin
St. Martin was a soldier. One night, when he was riding his horse, he saw a beggar. He stopped and shared his cloak and food with him. The following night, Martin had a dream where Jesus thanked him and told him that he would win the battle.
He won the battle and then he retreated in the wilderness under the name of St. Martin. In his memory, every November we celebrate Lanternen fest.

Lanternen fest
To prepare, we start doing the lanterns at school. We make them from coloured paper or cardboard and put a candle inside it. In the evening of 11th November we celebrate Saint Martin together. We meet (children, teachers and parents) and we go in the town with the lanterns on. We sing some traditional St. Martin songs, such as: “Lanterne”, “ Ich gehe mit meine Laterne”  and “St. Martin”. We go to the “Promenade”, a place in the forest where the children play, eat nuts and apples. The adults give us sweets, biscuits and tea. We share the gifts, as Saint Martin shared his cloak and bread. We like it because we learn to share our gifts with the others.

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